
Tamil are living over 27 countries throughout the world. In India Tamils live throughout Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, in large numbers in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra and Maharashtra and in smaller numbers in the rest of the States.
Further they live throughout Eelam and in large numbers in Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa and in fair numbers in Canada, Europe, U. S. A., the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand and other South-East Asian Countries.
It should be noted that next to the Englishmen Tamils live in most countries.
In the States of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Tamils form the government in power. In the Central Government of India and in the States of Kerala and Maharashtra Tamils are Ministers. In Eelam, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, La Reunion and South Africa, Tamils occupy prominent positions in Government. In Singapore the President of the Republic is a Tamil.
Even though Tamils hold high position in various countries, we the Tamils are not able to get due respect in the world Forums.
Though Tamils living in British Guyana, Mauritius, La Reunion and the Caribean may have forgotted the Tamil language, they want to maintain their identity as Tamils.
The feeling of unity of Tamils living overseas must be promoted. The time has come for them to realize what unites them with other Tamils. We are united from ancient times by language, culture and heritage, arts and a common history. We should not stop with admiring ancient and glorious past. We must also be a part of the modernistic world and reach new boundaries. When we take pride in the fact that Tamil is one of the oldest living languages in the world and is a classical language, no one should find fauls that we are linguistic fanatics. Nor should we be called racists because we call of recognition of Tamil Rights.
Our call for world Tamils to unite is not against the precepts of humanity. It is a call emanating from our birthrights. There is a need to remedy the gradual breaking of ties of expartriat Tamils with the Tamil motherland in areas such as language and culture, and bring about a renaissance amongst them.
This can be done by a strong World Tamil Body which can unite other Tamil Organisations and enable the exchange of ideas in the fields of language and culture. Similarily we need some means of identifying our individuality.
Irrespective of where Tamils live they need a National Anthem, a National Dress and a National Flag. These are essential to arouse a fallen Tamil Nation.
In the same manner, a Monetary Fund for Tamils becomes a necessity. It is essential for fostering of enterpreneurship, trade and business of Tamils and to help those made destitute. As such, is the evolution of the World Tamil Confederation. This is formed as an umbrella organisation, which will have no branches in any country.
In each continent, all Tamils Organisations should join together and form an umbrella organisation, e.g., the existing Federation of Tamils Sangams of North America, the Australian Federation of Tamil Sangams. Similar umbrella organisations are to be established in Europe, Africa, Arabia, Caribbean, South Asia and South East Asia by uniting the existing Tamil Organisations.
Representatives of these umbrella organisations will become members of the World Tamil Confederation.
The Inaugural Conference of this Confederation was held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on the 20th and 21st of July, 2002.Tamils from all over the world attended the Conference.

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